18(07) a set of apartment buildings

construction of an ensemble of apartment buildings (Open Oproep 34)
By demolishing 407 existing apartments and replacing them with 470 new homes, the project is on such a scale that it becomes a driving force to influence the evolution of the city with high-quality housing, landscape and a growing, differentiated population. Articulated buildings and reference levels relate to the different layers and scales that make up the landscape: the heights of the planted forest in dialogue with terraces with a herbaceous layer and shrubs that create shaded spaces, or a rooftop landscape with a green roof extended above the tree canopy.
Programme: seven apartment buildings
Location : Ostende, BE
Client: De Oostendse Haard
Status: competition in 2018
Surfaces: n.c.
Cost: n.c.
Team: A.M. A PRACTICE. + UAPS + ELD, architecture / WAGON LANDSCAPING, landscape / UTIL, stability / BOYDENS, thermal and fluid engineering